- Innerwheel Clubs throughout the world comprise the womenfolk of Rotarians.
- Innerwheel concentrates upon friendship and personal Service.
- It is not what is termed to money raising organization but each club selects its own charities and Channels of service.
- One of the greatest features of Inner Wheel is the opportunity given to members the world over to get know one other thus contributing to International friendship and understanding.
- To promote True Friend-ship.
- To promote ideals of Personal Service.
- To Foster International understanding, Friendship and Service
Instill in us, O'Lord, the true meaning of friendship.
Never let us forget that we are all thy children.
Not withstanding the difference in our cultures and creeds.
Endow us with a desire to serve our fellow men.
Remembering that we too often need help.
Whenever or wherever the need for service arises.
Help us to be ready to serve.
Endeavouring to make our Badge of Inner Wheel worthwhile
Ensuring that we have not
Lived in vain
Theme for the year 2010-11
Commit With
Conviction Compassion Consistency